Tuesday, January 14, 2014


all started from may.
we met..,
we talked and talked and talked,

june, and july,
i didnt like the way you texted me everyday
but i've to proved that i was lonely and you were there.

august come,
with all beautiful things between our conversation.
day 10th.
it happened...,
oh wait, it didn't happen but it happened. (sorry if you aren't understand)

september, october,..
they were bitter sweet months. 
distance made me crazy,
so did other different things between us.
you were always there,
you told that everything will be better soon,
you promised me.
you sent me picts of your face and you sent me voice messages.
you know, i repeated your voice everyday because it's the only way to feel close to you.

november rain,
rainy fell everyday, it never fails me to miss you..
i couldn't tell about you to other people.
i kept it by myself. deep inside my heart.
i cried.

everything was back to normal.
i tried to understand about our differences.
well this is the one of our convo that i love the most in this month;

"i love you"
"i love you three."
"yes, because i love you two is less than i love you three."

i couldn't held it anymore.
i told about you to some of my friends (maybe 4)..
it made me a bit better..

a new year..
we're still together..
oh, dear..
thankyou for made the rest of my 2013 better..
i know it sounds cheesy.
but i really love you..